niko's gardening turf van and greg

Greg Peker

An Expert in Sodding, Gardening & Landscape.

sodding toronto service

We always advocate the importance of setting proper foundation when creating a new turf lawn. We practice the use of best soils possible, fresh Sod, and a high quality well balanced fertilizers in our Sodding work.

While this is an important (some would say crucial) first step in the right direction, an ongoing lawn care and maintenance must be performed in order to maintain that emerald-green color of your freshly  installed Turf Lawn for many years to come.

Key activities in an ongoing maintenance of your turf lawn are:

Step by step guide to an immaculate turf lawn

We portray the lawn care maintenance process in detail in this step-by-step guide to your very own, immaculate green lawn:

We find that when it comes to residential gardening and lawn care, three very human elements converge:

  • The longing for mother nature, and desire to recreate some of it in our back yards.
  • The passion for clean geometrical shapes, and neat landscapes.
  • It may seem like a lot of work, but if done regularly (or by professionals), it should not take more than 20 minutes a week!

The way we like to have our turf lawns (emerald green, weeds free, neatly trimmed) is not the way the same lawn would look like out there in the nature – it would be at least a foot tall, all over the place, and mixed with other plants.

Great lawn

There is nothing wrong with how we like our lawns – after all, gardening and lawn care is in a way our own individual victory and conquest of mother nature. The lawn is the first and most important element – you can get it to look exactly the way you like. Just need to put some effort to it!

With a systematic (or professional if you prefer) approach to your lawn maintenance, an emerald-green, immaculate lawn can and should be achieved in as little as 20 minutes a week!